From the team that brought you

Herbgrind is a dynamic, binary, program analysis to find the root cause of floating point error in large programs. Herbgrind aims to help programmers weed out dubious floating point code from their programs, and have more confidence in their numerical code.

Herbgrind is free software (free as in freedom, but you also don't need to pay anything), and is publicly available on github. It's still a work in progress, and as such will not work on every machine or application. If you'd like to contribute, please get in touch or send a pull request!


  • Herbgrind was published at PLDI 2018. You can find the paper here, see the talk here, and follow along with the slides here.
  • Pavel gave a talk at Dagstuhl 17352 (Analysis and Synthesis of Floating-point Programs) on Herbgrind. Thank you all for the perceptive questions.
  • The Herbgrind website has been moved to
  • Herbgrind 0.42 Beta is released!